Wearing the school uniforms is mandatory. School uniforms for Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Elementary may be purchased from any local retail establishment that offers you the style and color combinations adopted by this school.
Navy blue or dark yellow Polo shirt
Khaki colored pants, shorts or skorts
Closed-toe shoes (sneakers)
Navy blue or dark yellow Polo shirt
Khaki colored pants or shorts
Closed-toe shoes (sneakers)
A Spirit Shirt will be sold by our PTA and may be worn on Fridays and on field trips. Uniforms must be worn to ALL field trips.
Sweaters and hoodies in a neutral color (navy, black, gray, white) may be worn. Navy blue hoodies with the school embroidered logo is sold by out PTA.
Jeans may only be worn on the last Friday of the month for a PTA donation of $1.00.
It is suggested your child wear shoes with Velcro straps if they do not know how to tie their shoelaces.